This spring clip is part of a two-piece assembly. A second spring clip will snap into this part. This part is also manufactured on a vertical four-slide. This part is made from an annealed high carbon spring steel, heat treated to spring temper, and zinc plated. This part would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to produce on a punch press.
Four-slide machines come in a range of sizes in order to produce parts of varying materials, thicknesses, widths, developed lengths, and tempers. Four-slide machines can run both strip and wire materials.
The manufacture of some parts do not require the flexibility of the four-slide machine, and therefore may be produced on a conventional punch press. Tooling costs are always considered in evaluating a part for production when it may be tooled for either four-slides or punch presses. Our high speed Bruderer punch press is an ideal machine for manufacturing parts quickly and efficiently.
Wire formed parts can be produced from four-slide machines. Typical wire materials include music wire, hard drawn spring wire, stainless steel, and basic wire.
Four-slides can manufacture small parts in both strip and wire. The U-shaped piece is made from brass strip stock. The wire form is made from a brass wire that is molded into a plastic part, with the two ends forming contact points. The contact points are held parallel within .002 inches.
Four-slides can manufacture parts from a variety of strip materials. These parts are made from annealed high carbon spring steel, martinsite, beryllium copper, and pre-tinned phosphor bronze strip. Annealed high carbon steels are heat treated after forming, and can be plated to provide additional corrosion resistance.
Another view of the flat springs. All parts shown here are tempered. This means that each part exhibits spring characteristics. Four-slides can also manufacture parts from non-tempered, or partially tempered materials.
This spring is manufactured from an annealed high carbon spring steel, heat treated to spring temper, and coated with a black oxide and acrylic finish. Note the punched holes and the gussets on this part. This part is manufactured on a vertical four-slide.
Four-slide machines are capable of producing metal parts in a wide range of material thicknesses and widths. The versatility of the motions on the forming slides make it possible to automatically produce formed metal parts which would be extremely difficult to manufacture on a conventional punch press. Tooling costs for four-slide machines are inherently less costly than for progressive die tooling.
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